How did we forget life before COVID-19? It has been almost three years since we were hit by the pandemic suddenly in March 2020, and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Looking back, everything has changed. Multiple lives have been lost, many families have gone through tremendous pain, and its scars can be seen everywhere in the world. The pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, whether it's health or the economy, and the impact has been the loss of human lives. Healthcare workers were on the frontline, working day and night tirelessly under pressure to treat and care for patients in severe conditions.

We reacted like a cat chasing a laser light throughout the day, but nothing came into our hands. All of a sudden, lockdowns were imposed, and many stringent actions were implemented with which we were not familiar - such as social distancing, wearing masks, sanitization, and many more things. In countries where handshake, hugs, and various kinds of greeting methods were common, people were suddenly afraid that they would get infected even by their family members. We all started getting suspicious of contagious diseases. In this COVID menace, many families were separated and isolated in different healthcare facilities, where government employees found COVID cases. They just froze the building members from going into public. Small kids were not allowed to play, and they too were under the stressful situation of attending online classes all day. Everybody's life became lifeless or boring, and even today, we are going through that emotional pain more than physical pain. Many people have experienced loneliness and isolation, which harmed their mental health, and some even committed suicide.
Worldwide, multiple countries experienced tremendous economic downfall due to the pandemic. Many people's businesses got a good spike, while many businesses collapsed. Even after three years of COVID-19, many businesses have not gotten back to their previous status in the market.
The pandemic also affected our daily routines, leading to changes in our way of working. Most companies started work-from-home policies, and to date, some are running as hybrid now. Working from home is a challenging job for workers, and not all work can be done from home.
This pandemic has created a profound impact on our lives. It has affected every aspect of our lives, from health to our economy, and also our daily routines. It was just a tiny virus that made the whole world stand still and taught us many things about how to live and work in society. We must take care of our surrounding people and must be very vigilant to overcome such crises in the future.

Before COVID-19, I saw families get together without any boundaries and fear. Neighbors used to be a part of families at every festival and in sad demises too. Earlier, people used to help each other by any means; people used to look at each other affectionately, people used to be human earlier, people used to help the poor people and show affection to them. There were very few differences between poor and rich, and there was no fear of contagious diseases at an insanity level like today. Earlier, people were not as suspicious as they are today. Humans lived very freely on this earth without any fear of any contagious diseases.