Empowering Choices

Dr. Shreeka Prakash

Dr. Shreeka Prakash

Nov 28, 2023 · 1 minute read

In the world of family planning, a groundbreaking innovation has emerged on the horizon, offering a novel approach to male contraception – RISUG, or Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance. Developed by Indian scientist Dr. Sujoy K. Guha, RISUG has the potential to revolutionize the dynamics of reproductive health.

The Mechanics of RISUG:

At its core, RISUG involves a simple yet ingenious procedure. A polymer gel is injected into the vas deferens, the duct that carries sperm from the testicles. This gel serves a dual purpose – it creates a physical barrier preventing the movement of sperm, and it introduces a charge imbalance that damages the sperm cells, rendering them inactive.


One of the most promising aspects of RISUG is its reversibility. Unlike many permanent contraceptive methods, RISUG offers the possibility of restoring fertility with a straightforward procedure. A second injection dissolves the polymer gel, allowing the natural flow of sperm to resume. This feature addresses a significant concern for individuals or couples who may want to conceive after a period of contraceptive use.

Long-Term Protection: RISUG stands out for providing long-lasting protection with a single application. Once injected, it offers contraception for an extended period, potentially lasting for several years. This convenience could be a game-changer for those seeking a reliable, low-maintenance method of birth control.

Social and Cultural Implications:

Beyond its scientific merits, RISUG has broader social and cultural implications. It addresses the gender imbalance in contraceptive responsibility, offering men a more active role in family planning decisions. By providing an effective male contraceptive option, RISUG contributes to a more equitable distribution of responsibilities in reproductive health.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

As with any innovative medical intervention, RISUG faces challenges. Regulatory approval, safety concerns, and societal acceptance are crucial factors that will influence its adoption. However, ongoing research and clinical trials are making strides in addressing these issues.


RISUG holds immense promise in the realm of contraception. Its unique approach, offering a reversible, long-lasting, and male-centric method, has the potential to redefine how couples approach family planning. As research progresses and awareness grows, RISUG may become a cornerstone in the journey toward more inclusive, equitable, and effective reproductive health solutions. The prospect of a simple injection unlocking years of contraception while preserving fertility exemplifies the power of innovation in shaping the future of family planning.