As the new year approaches, it's important to plan ahead and make resolutions that are achievable and realistic. Instead of setting goals that are impossible to reach, focus on making resolutions that will help you live a healthier and happier life.
Here are a few ideas to help get you started:
- Write the resolutions down A resolution or goal becomes slightly more genuine the moment you put it in paper. A small amount of accountability to yourself is established when you write down your resolutions. The first step in truly keeping your New Year's resolutions is to take this action.
- Don't hold out for perfection None of us are flawless. New habits take time to establish and are difficult to keep. So, don't aim at getting everything right the first time. You might experience setbacks that might demotivate you. But when things calm down, breathe and try again. Give it your best and stay away from perfection.

- Celebrate the little wins Giving yourself a pat on the back is the kindest gesture you can show yourself. Even the smallest amount of progress deserves to be celebrated. The extra motivation we need to keep going can often be found when we recognize these tiny advances.

- Eat healthier This doesn't mean you have to go on a strict diet. Try to make small changes to your diet that will help you eat more nutritious foods. For example, try to include more fruits and vegetables in your meals and avoid processed foods.

- Give priority to adequate sleep Health issues might result from lack of sleep. Sleep keeps a person moving, so instead of having a broken six to eight hours of disrupted sleep while trying to change your lifestyle, aim to retain your physical and mental health by having a sound and continuous sleep.

- Make a commitment to exercise regularly Exercise, not to lose weight, but to stay healthy. Focus on how wonderful you feel now that you've been more active rather than stressing over the scale. Numbers are meaningless.Whether you sign up for a gym membership or start taking walks every day, getting regular exercise is a great way to improve your overall health.