Nutrigenomics is the study of how food influences a person's genes and how genes influence the body’s response to food. Nutrigenomics is used to learn more about how genes and diet interact to influence a person's health and risk of developing diseases like cancer.

This is a relatively new field of study that has the potential to change the way we address breast cancer.
Nutrigenomics can help to advance knowledge in the field of cancer, especially breast cancer, shedding light on the molecular basis of breast cancer, tumorigenesis and paving the way for personalized treatments. This will aid us in identifying the genes that are linked to breast cancer, as well as their functions.
The goal of nutrigenomics is to identify and understand the links between nutrition and gene expression. A genomics-based approach to addressing cancer is emerging as one of the more promising ways to improve the chances for breast cancer remission.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. And as more people develop a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, there's a strong focus on preventative care to stop or reduce the chance of developing it. There's no cure for breast cancer yet, but new research has uncovered some promising strategies that may help patients avoid developing it altogether, including DNA testing and dietary changes. Nutrigenomics holds great potential in improving the detection and treatment of breast cancer with specific nutrients that boost our immune system and aid in healthy metabolism.

Mammography - Breast cancer screening test
I personally have a family history of breast cancer, through my aunts. Many genetic diseases have a pattern of skipping a generation and showing up in the next. These are called Autosomal Recessive Single Gene Disorders or ‘skipper genes’. The skipper gene for Breast Cancer is the BRCA1 gene. Despite being at risk of one of the common cancers, having the skipper gene, I may not develop cancer at all! Hereditary and genetic diseases can be noticed far before doing a genetic test. Even before genetic testing, breast cancer can show certain early signs with a few blood tests. That brings me to the first aspect of Nutrigenomics:
Understanding the Nutritional Status
Breast cancer is a complex disease involving many factors. One of the important factors is nutritional deficiency. The amount of certain nutrients in your body can help you determine if you are at a risk of developing breast cancer. Nutritional deficiencies can cause oxidative damage in cells, which can lead to a number of diseases including breast cancer. The two main nutritional deficiencies associated are a lack of essential fatty acids and vitamin D.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
The human body needs EFAs to function properly. Chronic inflammation has been linked to cancer growth and progression. DHA(docosahexaenoic acid), EPA(Eicosapentaenoic Acid), and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown in studies to influence cancer cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis while also inhibiting angiogenesis, tumor cell invasion, and metastasis.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for bones, calcium balance and other hormonal processes in our body. Many studies have found an inverse relationship between serum vitamin D concentration and the incidence of various cancers, including breast, colorectal, kidney, lung, and pancreatic cancer.
‘The risk of breast cancer increases with vitamin D deficiency’, is a common finding in recently conducted research studies. While it can be due to non availability of the sun, the gene VDR plays a role in it too. Vitamin D exerts its effects via VDR, which is found in the epithelial cells of the breast tissue. Along with VDR, vitamin D also assists in transcribing 60 other genes that are related to cancer growth.
In simple words, our bodies need vitamin D to help prevent breast cancer and promote the absorption of calcium from our diet. Vitamin D is found in fish liver oils, egg yolks and fish like salmon or mackerel. It's also naturally occurring through exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Tip: You also need your fats to get your vitamin D.
Understanding the Genes involved
It took over 20 years for researchers to understand the human genome, and even then, they were able to understand only about 92% of it. Only recently has the complete human genome been deciphered. It is a time taking process to research and analyze the genetic data, even if it is for a single person. Not to mention the high cost that is incurred in analyzing a single gene mutation.
While the cost for basic genetic predisposition for vitamins can be Rs.3000 on average, it can go up to Rs.30,000 for testing the skipper gene for breast cancer. So will nutrigenomics help only those who are able to afford these expensive tests? NO!
The science behind those genes is surely something you will know from a nutrigenomics expert. While some genes (like BRCA1) can be tested to understand the direct risk, there are many other genes that will help you understand if you are at risk or not, without getting tested.
Gene NameWhat can trigger a mutation?CAT, NOSLow fruit and vegetable consumptionBRCA 1Iron DeficiencyCYP19A1AlcoholGSTP1Low consumption of cruciferous vegetablesMTHFRLow folate, vitamin B6NAT1/NAT2Red meat consumption
These are some of the nutrigenomics food behaviors that have been linked to breast cancer genes. So, one preventive strategy, especially in people with a family history is to avoid these food behaviors in order to avoid the genetic mess-up.
Understanding your own Circadian Rhythm
Nutrigenomics is a relatively new approach to understanding the correlation between diet and the evolution of the immune system. It is the science of how nutrition affects overall health and disease.
Perhaps, when you think about the disease, the first thing that comes to mind won’t be - ‘Oh, we need to fix my sleep schedule to treat/prevent breast cancer’. However, as we learn more about circadian rhythms and their link with breast cancer, we realize that they can be a useful tool in finding a solution to treating breast cancer.
Circadian rhythm is the internal body clock that controls the sleep/wake cycle and our levels of alertness. Our body has many rhythmic patterns for most of its functions including sleep, hunger, blood pressure control, cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, body temperature, bowel movements and other hormones.
A recent study suggests that it is possible to swap one gene in breast cells to disrupt this circadian rhythm and improve sensitivity to chemotherapy treatment. It is clear from this research that circadian rhythms and proto-oncogenes/signaling pathways (e.g., PI3KCA, p53, or E2-ER) can both influence one another.
Breast cancer is a disease that can be prevented successfully with lifestyle modifications and nutritional interventions. However, the success of each intervention depends on the person’s unique biological profile. Unfortunately, many women with breast cancer are not aware of their own unique genetic makeup and cannot benefit from existing dietary recommendations.
The application of nutrigenomics – the study of how nutrition interacts with genes to influence health and disease – has the potential to change this by identifying biomarkers that can be used to identify specific individuals at high risk for breast cancer as well as those who are likely to respond best to specific interventions.
- Sellami, M., & Bragazzi, N. L. (2020). Nutrigenomics and Breast Cancer: State-of-Art, Future Perspectives and Insights for Prevention. Nutrients, 12(2), 512.
- Fabian, C. J., Kimler, B. F., & Hursting, S. D. (2015). Omega-3 fatty acids for breast cancer prevention and survivorship. Breast cancer research : BCR, 17(1), 62.
- Atoum, M., & Alzoughool, F. (2017). Vitamin D and Breast Cancer: Latest Evidence and Future Steps. Breast cancer : basic and clinical research, 11, 1178223417749816.
- Lin, H. H., & Farkas, M. E. (2018). Altered Circadian Rhythms and Breast Cancer: From the Human to the Molecular Level. Frontiers in endocrinology, 9, 219.