Bones are the basic framework of our body as they give support and stability to the body. Bones normally are broken down and rebuilt in minute amounts continuously through the lifetime. The bone built up is completed by 18 to 20 years of age and the peak density of the bones is attained by the age of 30 which is also known as peak bone mass of a person. After this point, the density of the bones will never increase but may decrease, as the process of replenishing the stores of calcium slows down and there is more bone loss than gain. After menopause, women normally undergo rapid bone loss that may lead to osteoporosis.
Factors that affect the bone strength and peak bone mass of the bone are:
● Gender: Men naturally have a tendency to store more calcium in the bones than women. So women naturally have low density of bones.
● Race: All the African and causations population attain higher peak bone mass then that of Asians.
● Nutrition: Eating food with all the nutrients required in the right proportions is important to maintain good bone health and reach its genetic-potential density.
● Hormonal Effects: After menopause, women stop producing estrogen that is primarily responsible for maintaining bone density in women, so the bone density decreases drastically after menopause.
● Physical Activity: Any kind of physical activity that puts a strain on the bones will helpdevelop higher bone density.
● Lifestyle and Behavior: Smoking and Alcohol consumption are linked with greater bone loss in young adults.
Certain factors like age, gender, race and hormonal effect cannot be changed but you can work on nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle to help develop higher bone density.
Here are some tips that can help boost your bone strength and gain higher bone mineral density:

1. Talk with a doctor about the risk factors: In many cases, family history, certain medical conditions & some medications can create a higher chance of developing osteoporosis. All these have to be taken care of as they impact bone health. Meeting with your doctor / healthcare provider to create a preventive plan and implementing it, can help reduce your risk of osteoporosis and maintain good bone health.

2. Eat well: This is one of the most important things to maintain good bone health. All foods rich in calcium such as milk and milk products, green leafy vegetables, nuts, etc. are important to be consumed on a daily basis to give our body enough calcium since it is crucial for bone's stiffness. Consuming good amounts of plant based proteins are also recommended as protein will help in absorption of calcium and also help in creating a framework for the bones. However, overdoing it is not recommended as excess amount of proteins have their own side effects. Vitamin K is also one of the most important vitamins for good bone health, as it helps in binding of the calcium to the bone cells and also protects calcium from getting leached from the bones (demineralisation).

3. Get plenty of vitamin D: The second most important nutrient for bone health is Vitamin D, as it is responsible for absorption of calcium from the food and storage in bones. Since there is no vegetarian source of this Vitamin and only a small amount is present in animal sources, dietary intake might not be enough to maintain our requirements. Our body is equipped to produce vitamin D in the skin, in presence of ultraviolet rays from the sun. Taking a walk in the sun, every day, for 10 to 20 minutes will help you to maintain goodlevels of Vitamin D and hence, bone health.

4. Exercise Daily: Exercise is the key to living a healthy life, free from many diseases. In fact, one of the risk factors of osteoporosis is an inactive lifestyle. So, it is important that you exercise daily to build better bones. Weight bearing exercises like walking, running,jumping rope, skiing and stair climbing have shown to have improved bone density and bone strength. Kids should also be encouraged to do these kinds of exercises to help their bones grow stronger as they are at an age where bone development is at its peak. Attaining maximum density of the bones will protect the bones in the later parts of their lives.
5. Avoid Crash Diets: Eating less for weight loss is the worst thing you can do for your body. It will slow down your metabolism, create rebound hunger and also lead to muscle, and bone loss. The weight loss through these diets will never sustain for a long time and it will inevitably lead to nutrient loss due to reduced food intake. If weight loss is your purpose, then going on a diet through a slow and steady method is the best as this methodcan help you lose weight while retaining your normal nutrient intake, and thus keep you healthy.

6. Say no to smoking: Smoking has been seen to affect the absorption of calcium in the body resulting in low calcium levels in blood and low bone mineral density.
Looking at the risk factors and working towards the prevention of developing bone disease is essential to lead a healthy life. If you have any kind of difficulty or confusion, you can consult a doctor or a healthcare professional, to help you create a plan to boost your bone strength.