Tips To Keep In Mind This Monsoon To Stay Healthy

Dt. Urmi Hariya

Dt. Urmi Hariya

Aug 04, 2023 · 5 min read

The monsoon season can have both positive and negative effects on health. On the positive side, the monsoon brings relief from the scorching heat, resulting in a cooler environment. This can be beneficial for individuals who have respiratory issues or those prone to heat-related illnesses[3]. The increased rainfall during the monsoon can also lead to improved air quality as it helps to wash away pollutants and reduce dust particles in the air[4].

However, the monsoon season is also associated with certain health risks. The increased humidity and moisture create a favourable breeding environment for bacteria, viruses, and mosquitoes, leading to an increase in water and vector-borne diseases[3][4]. Common health issues during the monsoon season include viral fever, common cold, malaria, dengue, typhoid, hepatitis A, diarrhoea, leptospirosis, and chikungunya fever[3]. These diseases are primarily caused by the damp and humid weather, which facilitate the growth of bacteria and viruses[3].

Additionally, during the monsoon season, there can be an increase in gut-related ailments due to contaminated water and food[2]. Proper hygiene practices, such as washing hands before meals and consuming clean and well-cooked food, can help prevent these issues[2].

To stay healthy during the monsoon season, it is important to take necessary precautions. That include:

1. Stay hydrated: The monsoon season can lead to dehydration due to the humidity. Therefore, make sure to drink plenty of purified or boiled water to keep yourself well-hydrated.

2. Eat home-cooked food: It's better to avoid eating food outside during this season because the damp and humid weather can cause the growth of bacteria, and hence lead to foodborne illnesses. Eat light home-cooked food that is easy to digest.

3. Maintain personal hygiene: Rainy season makes it a perfect season for the growth of germs[6], so you should maintain personal hygiene by washing hands often, taking a shower daily, and wearing clean clothes.

4. Avoid walking in the rain: Walking in the rain can make you more susceptible to infections. So, try to avoid getting wet in the rain.

5. Keep your surroundings clean: Make sure to keep your surroundings clean and dry, and avoid collection of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding.

6. Use mosquito repellent: Mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and malaria are quite common during the monsoon season. Use mosquito repellent with DEET to protect yourself.

7. Eat Health: this will help in boosting your immunity that can help to fight against infections. So, make sure to consume a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals that can help improve your immunity[5].

These tips can help you stay healthy and combat the common ailments of the monsoon season. But it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and preventive measures based on your specific health conditions.






